
南京大学 “百位名师邀约计划” 暑期课程 Processes of the Critical Zone ( 地球关键带过程 )


南京大学 “百位名师邀约计划” 暑期课程   

Processes of the Critical Zone ( 地球关键带过程  )  

授课老师Joseph A. Mason教授(美国威斯康星大学地理系系主任)




室内讲课地点:仙2 -102    





What is the critical zone (CZ)? Structure/architecture of the CZ, from soil particles and aggregates to soil profile and regolith, to 3D architecture of the CZ, also discussing vegetation structure. Two or three examples as case studies.

CZ as a system. Summary of major flows of mass and energy. Concept of conservation of mass to calculated fluxes in CZ system.

 Hydrology of the CZ. Selected topics, focused on infiltration and evapotranspiration as affected by soil and vegetation properties, using two or three examples from contrasting humid and semi-arid environments.

 Carbon cycle in the CZ: 1. Organic carbon addition and decomposition in soils, as related to plant community and climate. 2. CO2 in soils, affect on pH and formation of soil carbonates. Example of soil organic carbon model, brief discussion of pedogenic carbonates. Concept of C residence time in organic matter and carbonates. C in buried soils.

 Weathering in the CZ. Physical weathering (examples). Weathering of silicate minerals, as influenced by soil hydrology and pH. Clay mineral formation and mobility of clay particles (detail depending on time available).

 Concepts of soil production and soil residence time. Competition between soil forming processes (OC accumulation, weathering, etc.) and either erosion or deposition. Case studies: 1) Rock  soil  to stream sediment in bedrock terrain, 2) Soil processes competing with accumulation or erosion of loess

 Humans and the CZ. Impact of agriculture and other human activity on CZ processes. CZ services: Role of CZ in carbon sequestration, agricultural productivity, groundwater recharge, downstream effects of sediment and nutrients, biodiversity.

 Summing up with examples of CZ in different environments (tectonically active mountains, low relief landscape in stable continental setting, semiarid landscape with sand and loess).

Background knowledge important for this course:

 Basic concepts from physics and chemistry

 Basic concepts of hydrology, especially infiltration, runoff, soil moisture storage, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge.

 Some knowledge of geology, especially basic rock and mineral types.

 Some knowledge of geomorphology, especially processes of soil erosion and mass wasting
