2020年皇冠现金网 共发表SCI/SSCI论文360篇,其中以地海学院(含各系、实验室)为第一完成单位或通讯单位的SCI/SSCI论文257篇,以地理学院为第一完成单位或通讯单位的1区期刊论文114篇,2区期刊论文62篇(按2020年中信所分区)。以地海学院为第一完成单位发表SCIENCE子刊论文2篇(Science Advances),发表NI期刊论文7篇,发表高被引论文2篇。
作者 | 论文题目 | 期刊名 | 年/卷期/页码 | 分区/中国科学技术信息研究所2019(仅列1区) |
BA Johnson, L Ma* | Image Segmentation and Object-Based Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring: Recent Areas of Interest, Researchers’ Views on the Future Priorities | Remote Sensing | 2020,12 (11), 1772 | Q1 |
Bao, R ; Sheng, X ; Li, CL ; Shen, H ; Tan, LP ; Sun, L ; Li, CQ ; Peng, HK ; Luo, L ; Wu, M; Lu, HY ; Ji, JF ; Chen, J | Effect of altitude on the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of land snails at the margin of the East Asian monsoon | GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA | 2020,273:99-115 | Q1 |
Bian, ZH; Wang, LC* ; Gu, Y ; Pan, Y ; Yao, YZ ; Zhao, J ; Ji, XM | Using integrated modelling to understand seasonal vegetation dynamics and its relationship to runoff generation | HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES | 2020,34(15):3222-3234 | Q1 |
Bilawal Abbasi, Zhihao Qin, Wenhui Du, Jinlong Fan, Chunliang Zhao,Qiuyan Hang, Shuhe Zhao, Shifeng Li | An Algorithm to Retrieve Total Precipitable Water Vapor in the Atmosphere from FengYun 3D Medium Resolution Spectral Imager 2 (FY-3D MERSI-2) Data | Remote Sensing | 2020,12(21) | Q1 |
Bird, A; Millar, I; Rodenburg, T; Stevens, T ; Rittner, M ; Vermeesch, P; Lu, HY | A constant Chinese Loess Plateau dust source since the late Miocene | QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS | 2020,227 | Q1 |
Bridgland, DR; Hu, ZB; Vandenberghe, J ; Wang, XY | Late Cenozoic fluvial history worldwide: A context for the Yellow River record | GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE | 2020,193 | Q1 |
Chen, C ; Li, Z ; Song, YN ; Duan, Z ; Mo, KL ; Wang, ZY ; Chen, QW | Performance of Multiple Satellite Precipitation Estimates over a Typical Arid Mountainous Area of China: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Extremes | JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY | 2020,21(3):533-550 | Q1 |
Chen, CZ ; Zhang, XJ*; Lu, HY; Jin, LY; Du, Y ; Chen, FH | Increasing summer precipitation in arid Central Asia linked to the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon in the recent decades | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY | 2020:DOI: 10.1002/joc.6727 | Q1 |
Chen, GZ; Li, X; Liu, XP ; Chen, YM ; Liang, X ; Leng, JY ; Xu, XC ; Liao, WL ; Qiu, YA ; Wu, QL | Global projections of future urban land expansion under shared socioeconomic pathways | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 2020,11(1) | Q1/Nautre 子刊/高被引 |
Chen, XP; Liu, QY; Fang, K ; He, JJ; Chen, Y; Wang, TT ; Fang, CL ; Shen, Y | Tracking national sustainability of critical natural capital and the socioeconomic drivers in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,114 | Q1 |
Chen, ZY ; Li, RY; Chen, DL ; Zhuang, Y; Gao, BB ; Yang, L ; Li, MC* | Understanding the causal influence of major meteorological factors on ground ozone concentrations across China | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,242 | Q1 |
Cheng, L* ; Zhang, FL ; Li, SY ; Mao, JY ; Xu, H ; Ju, WM ; Liu, XQ ; Wu, J; Min, KF ; Zhang, XD; Li, MC* | Solar energy potential of urban buildings in 10 cities of China | ENERGY | 2010,196 | Q1 |
Chi, Y ; Sun, JK; Sun, YG; Liu, SJ ; Fu, ZY | Multi-temporal characterization of land surface temperature and its relationships with normalized difference vegetation index and soil moisture content in the Yellow River Delta, China | GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION | 2020,23 | Q1 |
Chi, Y ; Wang, EK; Wang, J | Identifying the anthropogenic influence on the spatial distribution of plant diversity in an estuarine island through multiple gradients | GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION | 2020,21 | Q1 |
Chi, Y ; Zhang, ZW ; Xie, ZL; Wang, J | How human activities influence the island ecosystem through damaging the natural ecosystem and supporting the social ecosystem? | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,248 | Q1 |
Chi, Y; Zhang, ZW; Wang, J; Xie, ZL ; Gao, JH* | Island protected area zoning based on ecological importance and tenacity | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,112 | Q1 |
Chuai Xiaowei, Lu qinli* | China’s construction industry-linked economy-resources-environment flow in international trade | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2021,278 | Q1 |
Chuai, Xiaowei; Lu, Yue; Xie, Fangjian; Yang, Feng; Zhao, Rongqin; Pang, Baoxin | A new approach to evaluate regional inequity determined by PM2.5 emissions and concentrations | Journal of environmental management | 2020,277:111335 | Q1 |
Chuai, XW ; Guo, XM ; Zhang, M ; Yuan, Y ; Li, JS; Zhao, RQ ; Yang, WJ; Li, JB | Vegetation and climate zones based carbon use efficiency variation and the main determinants analysis in China | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,111 | Q1 |
Dada Yan, Bernd Wuennemann, Shu Gao, Yongzhan Zhang | Early Holocene tidal flat evolution in a western embayment of East China Sea, in response to sea level rise episodes | Quaternary Science Reviews | 2020, (250) 106642. | Q1 |
DadaYan, Bernd Wuennemann, Grorg Stauch, Yongzhan Zhang, Hao Long | Late Quaternary seasonal process variations in lake basins on the NE Tibetan Plateau | Quaternary Science Reviews | //doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106736 | Q1 |
Dailey, SK; Clift, PD; Kulhanek, DK ; Blusztajn, J ; Routledge, CM; Calves, G ; O'Sullivan, P ; Jonell, TN; Pandey, DK ; Ando, S., et al., | Large-scale mass wasting on the Miocene continental margin of western India | GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN | 2020,132(1-2):85-112 | Q1 |
Dong, X; Wang, YT; Hou, SG; Ding, MH ; Yin, BL; Zhang, YL | Robustness of the Recent Global Atmospheric Reanalyses for Antarctic Near-Surface Wind Speed Climatology | JOURNAL OF CLIMATE | 2020,33(10):4027-4043 | Q1 |
Du, HY; Zhou, C*; Jiang, PH ; Jin, XL ; Chen, SY] ; Chen, DS ; Li, MC*; Chen, D | Changes in local climatic factors under different oasis-town configurations in an arid region: a case study of Hami Oasis | CLIMATIC CHANGE | 2020,DOI: 10.1007/s10584-020-02735-0 | Q1 |
Du, PJ ; Wang, X ; Chen, DM; Liu, SC; Lin, C ; Meng, YP | An improved change detection approach using tri-temporal logic-verified change vector analysis | ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,161:278-293 | Q1 |
Du, ZH ; Xiao, CD ; Mayewski, PA ; Handley, MJ ; Li, CJ ; Ding, MH ; Liu, JF ; Yang, J ; Liu, K | The iron records and its sources during 1990-2017 from the Lambert Glacial Basin shallow ice core, East Antarctica | CHEMOSPHERE | 2020,251 | Q1 |
Du, ZY ; Yu, Q ; Wang, YW ; Peng, Y ; Zhu, QG ; Wang, YP | Two-dimensional tide-induced residual sand transport: Applications to the Jiangsu coast, China | ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE | 2020,245 | Q1 |
Fan, MM ; Margenot, AJ ; Zhang, H ; Lal, R ; Wu, JT ; Wu, PB ; Chen, FR ; Gao, C | Distribution and source identification of potentially toxic elements in agricultural soils through high-resolution sampling | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2020,263(B) | Q1 |
Fan, MM; Lal, R; Zhang, H ; Margenot, AJ ; Wu, JT ; Wu, PB ; Zhang, LM ; Yao, JT ; Chen, FR ; Gao, C* | Variability and determinants of soil organic matter under different land uses and soil types in eastern China | SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH | 2020,198 | Q1 |
Fan, QY ; Sun, JX; Quan, GX; Yan, JL; Gao, JH; Zou, XQ* ; Cui, LQ | Insights into the effects of long-term biochar loading on water-soluble organic matter in soil: Implications for the vertical co-migration of heavy metals | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL | 2020,136 | Q1 |
Fang, K ; Wang, TT; He, JJ ; Wang, TJ; Xie, XD ; Tang, YQ; Shen, Y ; Xu, AQ | The distribution and drivers of PM2.5 in a rapidly urbanizing region: The Belt and Road Initiative in focus | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020, 716 | Q1 |
Fu, PJ; Zhang, W ; Yang, KM; Meng, F | A novel spectral analysis method for distinguishing heavy metal stress of maize due to copper and lead: RDA and EMD-PSD | ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY | 2020,206 | Q1 |
Gao, GF ; Peng, D; Zhang, YH ; Li, YT ; Fan, KK ; Tripathi, BM ; Adams, JM ; Chu, HY | Dramatic change of bacterial assembly process and co-occurrence pattern in Spartina alterniflora salt marsh along an inundation frequency gradient | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,755 | Q1 |
Gao, H ; Zhang, XY ; Wang, LJ ; He, XL ; Shen, FX ; Yang, L* | Selection of training samples for updating conventional soil map based on spatial neighborhood analysis of environmental covariates | GEODERMA | 2020,366 | Q1 |
Guo, JX ; Wang, LC * ; Yang, L; Deng, JC; Zhao, GM ; Guo, XY | Spatial-temporal characteristics of nitrogen degradation in typical Rivers of Taihu Lake Basin, China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,713 | Q1 |
Guo, XY; Zhang, XQ*; Du, SX ; Li, C ; Siu, YL; Rong, YJ ; Yang, H | The impact of onshore wind power projects on ecological corridors and landscape connectivity in Shanxi, China | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,254 | Q1 |
Guo, ZY; Yang, K; Liu, C; Lu, X ; Cheng, L; Li, MC | Mapping National-Scale Croplands in Pakistan by Combining Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(21) | Q1 |
Han, LF; Xu, YP* ; Deng, XJ; Li, ZW | Stream loss in an urbanized and agricultural watershed in China | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT | 2020,253 | Q1 |
Hao, YZ ; Chen, ZJ ; Huang, QH; Li, FX ; Wang, BB ; Ma, L | Bidirectional Segmented Detection of Land Use Change Based on Object-Level Multivariate Time Series | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(3) | Q1 |
Hu, R ; Bostock, HC; Greaves, M ; Piotrowski, AM ; McCave, IN | Coupled evolution of stable carbon isotopes between the Southern Ocean and the atmosphere over the last 260 ka | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS | 2020,538 | Q1/NI |
Huang, M ; Zhu, C ; Ma, CM* ; Yang, ZF ; Liu, YM ; Jia, TJ | The Hongqiaocun Site: The earliest evidence of ancient flood sedimentation of the water conservancy facilities in the Chengdu Plain, China | CATENA | 2020,185 | Q1 |
Huang, ZH ; Ma, CM ; Chyi, SJ; Tang, LY ; Zhao, L | Paleofire, Vegetation, and Climate Reconstructions of the Middle to Late Holocene From Lacustrine Sediments of the Toushe Basin, Taiwan | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 2020,47(20) | Q1/NI |
Jia, ZY ; Wang, JX ; Zhou, XD; Zhou, YJ ; Li, Y; Li, BJ ; Zhou, SL* | Identification of the sources and influencing factors of potentially toxic elements accumulation in the soil from a typical karst region in Guangxi, Southwest China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2020,256 | Q1 |
Jia, ZY ; Wang, JX ; Li, BJ; Li, Y ; Zhou, YJ ; Tong, GJ ; Yan, DH ; Zhou, SL* | An integrated methodology for improving heavy metal risk management in soil-rice system | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,273 | Q1 |
Jiang, PH*; Li, MC; Cheng, L | Dynamic response of agricultural productivity to landscape structure changes and its policy implications of Chinese farmland conservation | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING | 2020,156 | Q1 |
Jiang, S ; Cole-Dai, J ; An, CL ; Shi, GT ; Yu, JH ; Sun, B | Spatial variability of perchlorate in East Antarctic surface snow: Implications for atmospheric production | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT | 2020,238 | Q1 |
Johnson, BA ; Ma, L* | Image Segmentation and Object-Based Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring: Recent Areas of Interest, Researchers' Views on the Future Priorities | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(11) | Q1 |
Ke Liu, Shugui Hou*, Shuangye Wu, Hongxi Pang, Wangbin Zhang, Jing Song, Jinhai Yu, Xiang Zou, Jiajia Wang | The atmospheric iron variations during 1950–2016 recorded in snow at Dome Argus, East Antarctica | Atmospheric Research | 2020,248:105263 | Q1 |
Kerfahi, D ; Ogwu, MC ; Ariunzaya, D ; Balt, A ; Davaasuren, D ; Enkhmandal, O; Purevsuren, T ; Batbaatar, A ; Tibbett, M ; Undrakhbold, S | Metal-Tolerant Fungal Communities Are Delineated by High Zinc, Lead, and Copper Concentrations in Metalliferous Gobi Desert Soils | MICROBIAL ECOLOGY | 2020,79(2):420-431 | Q1 |
Li, BJ ; Zhou, SL ; Wang, T ; Zhou, YJ ; Ge, L; Liao, H | Spatio-temporal distribution and in fluencing factors of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Yangtze River Delta | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,267 | Q1 |
Li, FF ; Wu, SH; Wang, YM; Yan, DH ; Qiu, LF ; Xu, ZC | A new spatially explicit model of population risk level grid identification for children and adults to urban soil PAHs | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2020,263(B) | Q1 |
Li, FX* ; Ding, DD ; Chen, ZJ ; Chen, HH ; Shen, T ; Wu, QL ; Zhang, CY | Change of sea reclamation and the sea-use management policy system in China | MARINE POLICY | 2020, 115 | Q1 |
Li, GQ ; Yang, H; Stevens, T; Zhang, XJ ; Zhang, HX; Wei, HT; Zheng, W ; Li, LJ; Liu, XJ ; Chen, JH | Differential ice volume and orbital modulation of Quaternary moisture patterns between Central and East Asia | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS | 2020,530 | Q1/NI |
Li, GQ ; Zhang, HX; Liu, XJ; He, Y; Wang, XY; Zhang, XJ ; Jonell, TN ; et al., | Paleoclimatic changes and modulation of East Asian summer monsoon by high-latitude forcing over the last 130,000 years as revealed by independently dated loess-paleosol sequences on the NE Tibetan Plateau | QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS | 2020,237 | Q1 |
Li, JY ; Wang, NL ; Dodson, J; Yan, H ; Zhang, XJ ; Jia, PW; Seppa, H | Holocene negative coupling of summer temperature and moisture availability over southeastern arid Central Asia | CLIMATE DYNAMICS | 2020,55(5-6):1187-1208 | Q1 |
Li, RJ ; Du, JK ; Bian, GD ; Wang, YF ; Chen, CC; Zhang, XL ; Li, MH ; Wang, SS ; Wu, SY ; Xie, SP; Yang, L* ; Xu, CY | An Integrated Modelling Approach for Flood Simulation in the Urbanized Qinhuai River Basin, China | WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT | 2020, 34:3967-3984 | Q1 |
Li, Y., Yu, Q.*, Gao, S.*, Flemming, B. | Settling velocity and drag coefficient of platy shell fragments | Sedimentology | 2020, 67:2095–2110 | Q1 |
Li, Y; Zhou, SL; Liu, K ; Wang, GM; Wang, JX | Application of APCA-MLR receptor model for source apportionment of char and soot in sediments | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,746 | Q1 |
Liang, XY; Jin, XB* ; Ren, J ; Gu, ZM; Zhou, YK | A research framework of land use transition in Suzhou City coupled with land use structure and landscape multifunctionality | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,737 | Q1 |
Lin Zhao, Chunmei Ma*, Qinmian Xu*, Yunkai Deng, Guangchun Shang, Lingyu Tang. | Vegetation evolution in response to climate change and rapid sea-level rise during 8.2-7.0 cal ka BP: Pollen evidence from the northwest coast of Bohai Bay, north China | Catena | 2020,196 | Q1 |
Lin, CS; Xu, H ; Qin, W ; Xu, SY ; Tang, XF ; Kuang, L ; Wang, XX; Jiang, B ; Chen, JH ; Shan, J ; Adams, J ; Qin, H; Wang, BZ | Evaluation of Two Primer Sets for Amplification of ComammoxNitrospira amoAGenes in Wetland Soils | FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY | 2020,11 | Q1 |
Liu, J ; Jin, XB*; Xu, WY; Gu, ZM; Yang, XH; Ren, J ; Fan, YT; Zhou, YK | A new framework of land use efficiency for the coordination among food, economy and ecology in regional development | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,710 | Q1 |
Liu, SH ; Feng, AP ; Yang, LL ; Du, J ; Yu, YG ; Feng, W; Wang, YP | Stratigraphic and three-dimensional morphological evolution of the late Quaternary sequences in the western Bohai Sea, China: Controls related to eustasy, high sediment supplies and neotectonics | MARINE GEOLOGY | 2020,427 | Q1 |
Liu, XQ; Zhu, AX ; Yang, L* ; Pei, T ; Liu, JZ ; Zeng, CY ; Wang, DS | A graded proportion method of training sample selection for updating conventional soil maps | GEODERMA | 2020,357 | Q1 |
Liu, YX* ; Xu, BH ; Zhi, WF ; Hu, CM ; Dong, YZ; Jin, S; Lu, YC; Chen, TX ; Xu, WX ; Liu, YC ; Zhao, BX ; Lu, WY | Space eye on flying aircraft: From Sentinel-2 MSI parallax to hybrid computing | REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT | 2020,246 | Q1 |
Liyan Zhang, Marc G. Dumont, Paul L. Bodelier, Jonathan M. Adams, Dan He, Haiyan Chu | DNA stable-isotope probing highlights the effects of temperature on functionally active methanotrophs in natural wetlands | Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2020/107954/Vol.149 | Q1 |
Lizao Ye, Pengfeng Xiao*, Xueliang Zhang*, Xuezhi Feng, Rui Hu, Wei Ma, Haixing Li, Yina Song, Tengyao Ma | Evaluating Snow Bidirectional Reflectance of Models Using Multiangle Remote Sensing Data and Field Measurements | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 2020, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2020.3024731 | Q1 |
Lu, H ; Ma, L ; Fu, X; Liu, C ; Wang, Z ; Tang, M ; Li, NW | Landslides Information Extraction Using Object-Oriented Image Analysis Paradigm Based on Deep Learning and Transfer Learning | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(5) | Q1 |
Lu, M; Xu, YP* ; Liu, PF; Lin, ZX | Measuring the hydrological longitudinal connectivity and its spatial response on urbanization in delta plains | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,119 | Q1 |
LU, Qinli; Fang, Kai; Heijungs, Reinout; Feng Shuangkui; Li, Jiashuo; Wen, Qi; Li, Yanmei; Huang Xianjin* | Imbalance and drivers of carbon emissions embodied in trade along the Belt and Road Initiative | Applied Energy | 2020,280 | Q1 |
Lu, X ; Yang, K* ; Lu, Y ; Gleason, CJ ; Smith, LC ; Li, MC | Small Arctic rivers mapped from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and ArcticDEM | JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY | 2020,584 | Q1 |
Ma, L ; Schmitt, M ; Zhu, XX | Uncertainty Analysis of Object-Based Land-Cover Classification Using Sentinel-2 Time-Series Data | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(22) | Q1 |
Ma, W ; Xiao, PF ; Zhang, XL ; Song, YN ; Ma, TY; Ye, LZ | Retrieving snow wetness based on surface and volume scattering simulation | ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,169:17-28 | Q1 |
Pang, HX* ; Hou, SG ; Zhang, WB; Wu, SY; Jenk, TM; Schwikowski, M; Jouzel, J | Temperature Trends in the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Ice Core Water Isotopes Over the Past 7,000 Years | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES | 2020,125(9) | Q2/NI |
Peng, FC ; Zhao, S*; Chen, C ; Cong, DM; Wang, YM ; Ouyang, HD | Evaluation and comparison of the precipitation detection ability of multiple satellite products in a typical agriculture area of China | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH | 2020,236 | Q1 |
Peng, Y ; Yu, Q* ; Yang, Y ; Wang, YW ; Wang, YP; Gao, S | Flow structure modification and drag reduction induced by sediment stratification in coastal tidal bottom boundary layers | ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE | 2020,241 | Q1 |
Pengcheng Xu, Dong Wang*, Vijay P. Singh, Huayu Lu*, Yuankun Wang, Jichun Wu, Lachun Wang, Jiufu Liu, Jianyun Zhang | Copula-based seasonal rainfall simulation considering nonstationarity | Journal of Hydrology | 2020,590 | Q1 |
Qi Su, Xianyan Wang, Huayu Lu, Hong Xie | Dynamic Divide Migration as a Response to Asymmetric Uplift: An Example from the Zhongtiao Shan, North China. | Remote Sensing | 2020,//doi.org/10.3390/rs12244188 | Q1 |
Qi, XX; Mao, XY ; Huang, XJ* ; Wang, DY ; Zhao, HY ; Yang, H | Tracing the sources of air pollutant emissions embodied in exports in the Yangtze River Delta, China: A four-level perspective | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,254 | Q1 |
Qin, BQ* ; Zhou, J ; Elser, JJ ; Gardner, WS ; Deng, JM ; Brookes, JD | Water Depth Underpins the Relative Roles and Fates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Lakes | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 2020,54(6):3191-3198 | Q1 |
Qin, BQ* ; Zhang, YL ; Zhu, GW; Gong, ZJ; Deng, JM ; Hamilton, DP ; Gao, G; Shi, K ; Zhou, J; Shao, KQ; Zhu, MY ; Zhou, YQ; Tang, XM; Li, L | Are nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios of Chinese lakes actually increasing? | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 2020,117(35):21000-21002 | Q1 |
Samat, A ; Li, EZ ; Wang, W ; Liu, SC ; Lin, C ; Abuduwaili, J | Meta-XGBoost for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Extended MSER-Guided Morphological Profiles | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(12) | Q1 |
Samat, A ; Li, J; Lin, C ; Liu, SC; Li, EZ | Edge Gradient-Based Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification | IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS | 2020,17(9):1588-1592 | Q1 |
Shan, W; Jin, XB*; Yang, XH ; Gu, ZM ; Han, B ; Li, HB ; Zhou, YK | A framework for assessing carbon effect of land consolidation with life cycle assessment: A case study in China | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT | 2020,266 | Q1 |
Shen, FX ; Yang, L* ; He, XL ; Zhou, CH ; Adams, JM | Understanding the spatial-temporal variation of human footprint in Jiangsu Province, China, its anthropogenic and natural drivers and potential implications | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2020,10(1) | Q1 |
Sheng, H; Xu, XM ; Gao, JH* ; Kettner, AJ ; Shi, Y ; Xue, CF ; Wang, YP* ; Gao, S | Frequency and magnitude variability of Yalu River flooding: numerical analyses for the last 1000 years | HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 2020,24(10):4743-4761 | Q1 |
Shi, LF; Wurm, M ; Huang, XJ* ; Zhong, TY; Leichtle, T ; Taubenbock, H | Urbanization that hides in the dark - Spotting China's "ghost neighborhoods" from space | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING | 2020,200 | Q1 |
Su, HJ; Yu, Y; Du, Q ; Du, PJ | Ensemble Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Tangent Collaborative Representation | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,58(6):3778-3790 | Q1 |
Sun, C ; Liu, YX* ; Zhao, SS ; Jin, S | Estimating offshore oil production using DMSP-OLS annual composites | ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,165:152-171 | Q1 |
Tan, K ; Wang, HM; Chen, LH; Du, Q ; Du, PJ* ; Pan, CC | Estimation of the spatial distribution of heavy metal in agricultural soils using airborne hyperspectral imaging and random forest | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS | 2020,382 | Q1 |
Tang, M ; Piper, DJW | Down-canyon evolution of turbidity currents at a late-glacial ice margin: Halibut Canyon, offshore southeastern Canada | MARINE GEOLOGY | 2020,424 | Q1 |
Tang, XZ; Machimura, T ; Li, JF ; Liu, W ; Hong, HY | A novel optimized repeatedly random undersampling for selecting negative samples: A case study in an SVM-based forest fire susceptibility assessment | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT | 2020,271 | Q1 |
Wang, C;Zhang, JH* ; Sun, JK ; Chen, M; Yang, JH | Public environmental facilities: Hygiene factors for tourists' environmental behaviour | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY | 2020,106:40-47 | Q1 |
Wang, C; Zhang, JH* ; Xiao, X ; Sun, F ; Xiao, ML ; Shi, QY | Examining the dimensions and mechanisms of tourists' environmental behavior: A theory of planned behavior approach | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,273 | Q1 |
Wang, CH ; Zhou, SL* ; Wu, SH ; Tang, JH; Li, HX; Du, J | Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in people living in urban and rural areas as revealed by hair analysis | CHEMOSPHERE | 2020,246 | Q1 |
Wang, CH ; Zhou, SL* ; Song, J; Tang, JH ; Wu, SH | Formation mechanism of soil PAH distribution: High and low urbanization | GEODERMA | 2020,367 | Q1 |
Wang, CL; Hao, Z ; Feng, ZY ; Zhang, CC ; Li, YL; Yu, WW ; Zou, XQ* | Shifts in the Distribution and Fate of Sedimentary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Within the Estuarine-Inner Shelf Areas of the East China Sea: Response to Human-Induced Catchment Change | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS | 2020,125(1) | Q1 |
Wang, CL; Hao, Z ; Feng, ZY ; Zhang, CC; Gao, JH ; Li, YL; Yu, WW ; Zou, XQ | Rapid changes in organochlorine pesticides in sediments from the East China sea and their response to human-induced catchment changes | WATER RESEARCH | 2020,169 | Q1/NI |
Wang, CL; Hao, Z ; Gao, JH ; Feng, ZY; Ding, YC ; Zhang, CC ; Zou, XQ* | Reservoir Construction Has Reduced Organic Carbon Deposition in the East China Sea by Half Since 2006 | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS | 2020,47(17) | Q2/NI |
Wang, GM; Li, Y ; Wang, JX ; Jia, ZY ; Zhou, YJ; Zhou, SL; Xie, XF | A modified receptor model for historical source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,702 | Q1 |
Wang, J ; Xu, YP ; Yang, L; Wang, Q; Yuan, J ; Wang, YF | Data Assimilation of High-Resolution Satellite Rainfall Product Improves Rainfall Simulation Associated with Landfalling Tropical Cyclones in the Yangtze River Delta | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(2) | Q1 |
Wang, JX; Wang, T; Xing, F ; Wu, H ; Jia, JJ; Yang, ZS; Wang, YP* | Internal waves triggered by river mouth shoals in the Yangtze River Estuary | OCEAN ENGINEERING | 2020,214 | Q1 |
Wang, LM ; Li, MY; Wang, JX ; Li, XG* ; Wang, LC | An analytical reductionist framework to separate the effects of climate change and human activities on variation in water use efficiency | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,727 | Q1 |
Wang, Q; Xu, YP* ; Wang, YF ; Zhang, YQ ; Xiang, J; Xu, Y ; Wang, J | Individual and combined impacts of future land-use and climate conditions on extreme hydrological events in a representative basin of the Yangtze River Delta, China | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH | 2020,236 | Q1 |
Wang, X ; Du, PJ ; Chen, DM; Lin, C ; Zheng, HR ; Guo, SC | Characterizing urbanization-induced land surface phenology change from time-series remotely sensed images at fine spatio-temporal scale: A case study in Nanjing, China (2001-2018) | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,274 | Q1 |
Wang, X; Tan, K; Du, Q ; Chen, Y; Du, PJ | CVA(2)E: A Conditional Variational Autoencoder With an Adversarial Training Process for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,58(8):5676-5692 | Q1 |
Wang, XG ; Yan, FQ ; Su, FZ | Impacts of Urbanization on the Ecosystem Services in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(19) | Q1 |
Wang, XH ; Yang, JH ; Xie, XF ; Chen, XJ; Pu, LJ* ; Zhang, XW | Soil microbial succession with soil development since costal reclamation | CATENA | 2020,187 | Q1 |
Wang, YB; Shen, J ; Wang, Y ; Liu, XQ ; Cao, XY ; Herzschuh, U | Abrupt mid-Holocene decline in the Indian Summer Monsoon caused by tropical Indian Ocean cooling | CLIMATE DYNAMICS | 2020,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-020-05363-7 | Q1 |
Wang, YF; Xu, YP*; Tabari, H; Wang, J ; Wang, Q; Song, S; Hu, ZL | Innovative trend analysis of annual and seasonal rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta, eastern China | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH | 2020,231 | Q1 |
Wang, YM ; Wu, SH; Yan, DH ; Li, FF ; Wang, CC; Min, C ; Sun, WY | Determining and mapping the spatial mismatch between soil and rice cadmium (Cd) pollution based on a decision tree model | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2020,265,A | Q1 |
Wu, CY; Chen, BW; Huang, XJ ; Wei, YHD | Effect of land-use change and optimization on the ecosystem service values of Jiangsu province, China | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,117 | Q1 |
Wu, L ; Li, CB ; Wang, LM; He, ZB; Zhang, Y ; Wang, WR ; Yang, LS ; Wei, JM ; Xie, XH | Spatiotemporal variability of alpine precipitable water over arid northwestern China | HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES | 2020,34(16):3524-3538 | Q1 |
Xia, JS ; Liao, WZ; Du, PJ | Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification With Semisupervised Graph Fusion | IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS | 2020,17(4):666-670 | Q1 |
Xie, Y ; Wang, YB ; Liu, XQ; Shen, J ; Wang, Y | Increasing human activities during the past 2,100 years in southwest China inferred from a fossil pollen record | VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY | 2020,DOI: 10.1007/s00334-020-00799-7 | Q1 |
Xiong, JL ; You, ZJ; Li, J; Gao, S ; Wang, Q ; Wang, YP* | Variations of wave parameter statistics as influenced by water depth in coastal and inner shelf areas | COASTAL ENGINEERING | 2020,159 | Q1 |
Xu, PC; Wang, D ; Singh, VP ; Lu, HY ; Wang, YK ; Wu, JC ; Wang, LC ; Liu, JF ; Zhang, JY | Multivariate Hazard Assessment for Nonstationary Seasonal Flood Extremes Considering Climate Change | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES | 2020,125(18) | Q1/NI |
Xu, WX; Liu, YX*; Wu, W; Dong, YZ ; Lu, WY ; Liu, YC; Zhao, BX ; Li, HT ; Yang, RF | Proliferation of offshore wind farms in the North Sea and surrounding waters revealed by satellite image time series | RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS | 2020,133 | Q1 |
Xu, Y ; Zhang, JC; Xu, Y; Ying, WM ; Wang, YP ; Che, ZM ; Zhu, Y | Analysis of the spatial and temporal sensitivities of key parameters in the SWAN model: An example using Chan-hom typhoon waves | ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE | 2020,232 | Q1 |
Xu, Yuyue, Li, Jin, Wang, Jida, Chen, Jianli, Liu, Yuanbo, Ni, Shengnan, Zhang, Zizhan, & Ke, Changqing | Assessing water storage changes of Lake Poyang from multi-mission satellite data and hydrological models | Journal of Hydrology | 2020, 590:125229 | Q1 |
Xu, YY ; Gu, SH ; Yin, ZJ ; Lin, J ; Zhao, JW ; Zhu, XY ; Yao, L | Obtaining Accurate Water Level Measurements in Lakes: Analysis of Changes in ICESat Altimetry Accuracy With Buffer Changes | IEEE ACCESS | 2020,8:81090-81100 | Q1 |
Xu, ZW* ; Mason, JA; Xu, C ; Yi, SW; Bathiany, S ; Yizhaq, H ; Zhou, YL ; Cheng, J ; Holmgren, M ; Lu, HY | Critical transitions in Chinese dunes during the past 12,000 years | SCIENCE ADVANCES | 2020,6(9) | Q1/S子刊,超一流 |
Xuefeng Xie, Tao Wu, Ming Zhu, Guojun Jiang, Yan Xu, Xiaohan Wang, Lijie Pu | Comparison of random forest and multiple linear regression models for estimation of soil extracellular enzyme activities in agricultural reclaimed coastal saline land | Ecological Indicators | 2021, 120: 106925 | Q1 |
Yaju Li, Wenling An, Hongxi Pang*, Shuang-Ye Wu, Yanying Tang, Wangbin Zhang, Shugui Hou* | Variations of Stable Isotopic Composition in Atmospheric Water Vapor and their Controlling Factors-A 6-Year Continuous Sampling Study in Nanjing, Eastern China | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES | 2020,125(22) | Q2/NI |
Yali Li, Rainer Lohmann, Xinqing Zou, Chenglong Wang,Lin Zhang* | Air-water exchange and distribution pattern of organochlorine pesticides in the atmosphere and surface water of the open Pacific Ocean | Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) | 2020,265:114956 | Q1 |
Yan, DD ; Wunnemann, B ; Zhang, YZ | Late Quaternary lacustrine Ostracoda and their implications for hydro-climatic variation in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau | EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS | 2020,207 | Q1 |
Yan, DD ; Wunnemann, B*; Jiang, ZL | Hydrological variations of a lake-catchment and human interaction during the last 6 ka in Yunnan, China | JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY | 2020,587 | Q1 |
Yan, FQ ; Wang, XG ; Su, FZ | Ecosystem service changes in response to mainland coastline movements in China: Process, pattern, and trade-off | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS | 2020,116 | Q1 |
Yang Chang, Yining Chen, Ya Ping Wang | Field measurements of tidal flows affected by mangrove seedlings in a restored mangrove swamp, Southern China | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | 2020, 235: | Q1 |
Yang, L ; He, XL ; Shen, FX; Zhou, CH ; Zhu, AX; Gao, BB; Chen, ZY ; Li, MC* | Improving prediction of soil organic carbon content in croplands using phenological parameters extracted from NDVI time series data | SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH | 2020,196 | Q1 |
Yang, L ; Li, XM ; Shi, JJ ; Shen, FX ; Qi, F ; Gao, BB; Chen, ZY ; Zhu, AX ; Zhou, CH | Evaluation of conditioned Latin hypercube sampling for soil mapping based on a machine learning method | GEODERMA | 2020,369 | Q1 |
Yang, L ; Li, XM ; Yang, QY ; Zhang, L ; Zhang, SJ; Wu, SH; Zhou, CH | Extracting knowledge from legacy maps to delineate eco-geographical regions | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE | 2020,DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1806284 | Q1 |
Yang, Long* ; Wang, Lachun ; Li, Xiang ; Gao, Jie | On the flood peak distributions over China | HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES | 2019,23(12):5133-5149 | Q1 |
Yang, Y ; Zhou, L ; Normandeau, A ; Jia, JJ; Yin, QJ ; Wang, YP ; Shi, BW; Gao, L ; Gao, S | Exploring records of typhoon variability in eastern China over the past 2000 years | GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN | 2020,132(11-12):2243-2252 | Q1 |
Yao, GH ; Ke, CQ; Zhou, XB ; Lee, H ; Shen, XY ; Cai, Y | Identification of Alpine Glaciers in the Central Himalayas Using Fully Polarimetric L-Band SAR Data | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,58(1):691-703 | Q1 |
Yao, YL ; Wang, JJ ; Yin, JJ ; Zou, XQ* | Marine Heatwaves in China's Marginal Seas and Adjacent Offshore Waters: Past, Present, and Future | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS | 2020,125(3) | Q1 |
Yichao Wang, Huayu Lu*, KexinWang, YaoWang, Yongxiang Li, StevenClemens, HengzhiLv, ZihanHuang, HanlinWang, XuzhiHu, FuzhiLu, HanzhiZhang | Combined high- andlow-latitude forcing ofEast Asian monsoon precipitation variability inthePliocene warm period | Science Advances | 2020,(6):1-9 | Q1/S子刊,超一流 |
Yin, GF ; Ma, L ; Zhao, W ; Zeng, YL ; Xu, BD; Wu, SB | Topographic Correction for Landsat 8 OLI Vegetation Reflectances Through Path Length Correction: A Comparison Between Explicit and Implicit Methods | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,58(12):8477-8489 | Q1 |
Yizhaq, H ; Xu, ZW; Ashkenazy, Y | The effect of wind speed averaging time on the calculation of sand drift potential: New scaling laws | EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS | 2020,544 | Q1/NI |
Yu, P; Zhang, JH; Wang, YR ; Wang, C; Zhang, HM | Can tourism development enhance livelihood capitals of rural households? Evidence from Huangshan National Park adjacent communities, China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,748 | Q1 |
Yuan, Y ; Chuai, XW* ; Zhao, RQ ; Lu, QL ; Huang, XJ; Xiang, CZ ; Yuan, XL ; et al., | Tracing China's external driving sources and internal emission hotspots of export-driven PM10 emission | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,253 | Q1 |
Zeng, CY ; Yang, L ; Zhu, AX | The Generation of Soil Spectral Dynamic Feedback Using Landsat 8 Data for Digital Soil Mapping | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(10) | Q1 |
Zeng, L ; Yi, SW*; Zhang, WF; Feng, H; Lv, AQ ; Zhao, WC; Luo, YM ; Wang, Q; Lu, HY | Provenance of loess deposits and stepwise expansion of the desert environment in NE China since similar to 1.2 Ma: Evidence from Nd-Sr isotopic composition and grain-size record | GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE | 2020.185 | Q1 |
Zeng, ZZ; Wang, DS; Yang, L; Wu, J; Ziegler, AD ; Liu, MF ; Ciais, P; et al., | Deforestation-induced warming over tropical mountain regions regulated by elevation | NATURE GEOSCIENCE | 2020,DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-00666-0 | NATURE 子刊 |
Zhang, C ; Zhao, C ; Yu, ZC ; Zhang, HX ; Zhou, AF ; Zhang, XJ ; Feng, XP ; Sun, XS ; Shen, J | Western Pacific Ocean influences on monsoon precipitation in the southwestern Chinese Loess Plateau since the mid-Holocene | CLIMATE DYNAMICS | 2020,54(5-6):3121-3134 | Q1 |
Zhang, GQ ; Yao, TD ; Xie, HJ; Yang, K ; Zhu, LP ; Shum, CK ; Bolch, T; Yi, S ; Allen, S ; Jiang, LG | Response of Tibetan Plateau lakes to climate change: Trends, patterns, and mechanisms | EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS | 2020,208 | Q1 |
Zhang, H; Yin, SH ; Chen, YH; Shao, SS; Wu, JT; Fan, MM ; Chen, FR ; Gao, C* | Machine learning-based source identification and spatial prediction of heavy metals in soil in a rapid urbanization area, eastern China | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | 2020,273 | Q1 |
Zhang, P; Du, PJ* ; Lin, C ; Wang, X; Li, ER ; Xue, ZH ; Bai, XY | A Hybrid Attention-Aware Fusion Network (HAFNet) for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Imagery and LiDAR Data | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(2) | Q1 |
Zhang, TY ; Yu, GR; Chen, Z ; Hu, ZM ; Jiao, CC ; Yang, M ; Fu, Z ; Zhang, WK; Han, L ; Fan, MM; Zhang, RY ; Sun, ZY; Gao, YN; Li, WH | Patterns and controls of vegetation productivity and precipitation-use efficiency across Eurasian grasslands | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,741 | Q1 |
Zhang, XL; Xiao, PF ; Feng, XZ | Object-specific optimization of hierarchical multiscale segmentations for high-spatial resolution remote sensing images | ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,159:308-321 | Q1 |
Zhang, ZY ; Li, XY ; Liu, LJ ; Wang, YG; Li, Y | Influence of mulched drip irrigation on landscape scale evapotranspiration from farmland in an arid area | AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT | 2020,DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2019.105953 | Q1 |
Zhao, L; Lu, HY; Wang, HL ; Meadows, M ; Ma, CM ; Tang, LY ; Lei, F ; Zhang, HY | Vegetation dynamics in response to evolution of the Asian Monsoon in a warm world: Pollen evidence from the Weihe Basin, central China | GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE | 2020,193 | Q1 |
Zhao, M ; Zhou, YY ; Li, XC; Zhou, CH; Cheng, WM ; Li, MC ; Huang, K | Building a Series of Consistent Night-Time Light Data (1992-2018) in Southeast Asia by Integrating DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING | 2020,58(3):1843-1856 | Q1 |
Zhao, M; Zhou, YY; Li, XC; Cheng, WM ; Zhou, CH ; Ma, T ; Li, MC; Huang, K | Mapping urban dynamics (1992-2018) in Southeast Asia using consistent nighttime light data from DMSP and VIIRS | REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT | 2020,248 | Q1 |
Zhe Hao, Hengtao Xu, Ziyue Feng, Chuchu Zhang, Xin Zhou, Zhifu Wang, Jiaheng Zheng, Xinqing Zou* | Spatial distribution, deposition flux, and environmental impact of typical persistent organic pollutants in surficial sediments in the Eastern China Marginal Seas (ECMSs) | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2020,124343 | Q1 |
Zhi Dong, Xuefa Shi*, Jianjun Zou, Xinqing Zou*, Muhong Chen, Qiang Zhang, Selvaraj Kandasamy, Chendong Ge, Ling Liu, Takuya Itaki, Fengdeng Shi, Yanguang Liu | Drastic hydrographic changes inferred from radiolarian assemblages in the central Japan Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum | Marine Geology | 2020 (429),106295. | Q1 |
Zhong, TY* ; Si, ZZ ; Shi, LF ; Ma, L; Liu, SH | Impact of state-led food localization on suburban districts' farmland use transformation: Greenhouse farming expansion in Nanjing city region, China | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING | 2020,202 | Q1 |
Zhou, J ; Qin, BQ ; Zhu, GW ; Zhang, YL ; Gao, G | Long-term variation of zooplankton communities in a large, heterogenous lake: Implications for future environmental change scenarios | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH | 2020:187 | Q1 |
Zhou, X; Cheng, L* ; Li, MC | Assessing and mapping maritime transportation risk based on spatial fuzzy multi-criteria decision making: A case study in the South China sea | OCEAN ENGINEERING | 2020,208 | Q1 |
Zhou, YJ; Wang, JX ; Zou, MM ; Jia, ZY ; Zhou, SL ; Li, Y | Microplastics in soils: A review of methods, occurrence, fate, transport, ecological and environmental risks | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020,748 | Q1 |
Zhou, YL; Wu, XC ; Ju, WM; Zhang, LM; Chen, Z ; He, W ; Liu, YB ; Shen, Y | Modeling the Effects of Global and Diffuse Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in China Based on a Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(20) | Q1 |
Zhu, L ; Shi, WQ ; Van Dam, B ; Kong, LW; Yu, JH ; Qin, BQ* | Algal Accumulation Decreases Sediment Nitrogen Removal by Uncoupling Nitrification-Denitrification in Shallow Eutrophic Lakes | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 2020,54(10):6194-6201 | Q1 |
Zhu, YH; Liu, K ; Myint, SW ; Du, ZY; Li, YB; Cao, JJ ; Liu, L ; Wu, ZF | Integration of GF2 Optical, GF3 SAR, and UAV Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of China's Largest Artificially Planted Mangroves | REMOTE SENSING | 2020,12(12) | Q1 |
Zou, X ; Hou, SG*; Wu, SY; Zhang, WB ; Liu, K ; Yu, JH ; Liu, YP; Pang, HX | An assessment of natural and anthropogenic trace elements in the atmospheric deposition during 1776-2004 AD using the Miaoergou ice core, eastern Tien Shan, China | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT | 2020,221 | Q1 |
Zou, X ; Hou, SG*; Zhang, WB ; Liu, K; Yu, JH ; Pang, HX ; Liu, YP | An increase of ammonia emissions from terrestrial ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau since 1980 deduced from ice core record | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION | 2020,262 | Q1 |